Saturday, July 20, 2013

Exposing the Secret: the PASSover N Christ Ahnsahnghong

Exposing the Secret: the PASSover N Christ Ahnsahnghong
Christ Ahnsahnghong has come as the Savior, restoring the Passover in the flesh! That is, the New Covenant Passover leads us to God the Father in the flesh! All over the world, only World Mission Society Church of God is following Christ Ahnsahnghong. More than that, only WMSCOG is believing in God the Mother, who is the source of the living water. Come to the World Mission Society Church of God, and keep the Passover in Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother!


  1. We should keep the Passover to escape the last disasters and to go back to the kingdom of heaven.

  2. We can believe in ahnsahnghong nim as a God bcoz he brought the Passover, the hidden Manna ( Rev 2 :17 )Jesus' New Name & Hidden Manna
    that is the clue we can find Second Coming Jesus
