Love is “Waiting”(2)
“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! (Isa 49:15)”
Like how it says, Heavenly Mother willingly came with lowly clothes of a sinner.

Heavenly Parents' love is so deep that they would never give up though the children are slow to realize. Their children found in the long time of waiting, for 6,000 years.
They would always cover the children's sins, always give teachings full of love, guide them to the best ways, and always praise them even for their small efforts.
Though They would never have a day without worry or concern towards Their children, They would earnestly pray for them all night long, always firmly believing that their immature children would realize.
Through all this, they would forget Their safety.
Thinking about the heart of my Heavenly Parents, I look back, if I was truly a good daughter.
Though Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother is pleased seeing Their children uniting with each other, rather embracing my brothers and sisters with love, didn't I push them away from me just because they were different from me?
Though Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother always waiting and endured, rather waiting for my brothers and sisters to realize, didn't I just gave up on them?
Thinking about my past, I can't lift up my head being so sorry and embarrassed to my Heavenly Parents.
Though I said I knew Their hearts, those were the days which I never really tried to put Their words into actions.
I truly thank Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for loving me, and waiting for a long time for this weak child to realize.
I give thanks and glory to God the Mother waiting for us to repent.