Sunday, June 30, 2013
[DEFEAT] the Bronze Snake!!!Christ [Ahnsahnghong]
[DEFEAT] the Bronze Snake!!! Christ [Ahnsahnghong]
"According to the Bible!" Yes, we are to follow the Bible, the words of God the Savior!
This is WHY World Mission Society Church of God believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother for salvation.
By the Bible, using the CROSS is standing against God the Savior.
Are U doing SO?
Come to the World Mission Society Church of God, and keep God's teachings in Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother!
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Even to the deepest invisible parts
Even to the deepest invisible parts
"You broke the cup! You should have been careful washing the dishes."
I heard my husband's voice in the kitchen.
When I went there, I saw the cup largely chipped on one side.
If I was the one washing it, I definitely should have noticed since it would've made a large noise while it broke.
But since I couldn't remember, someone else must have washed it.
"Ah! I think Nathan must have done it washing the dishes."
Hearing that, my husband furiously said,
"Don't let Nathan wash the dishes no more!"

Yesterday, I had a terrible migraine.
While I was lying on the sofa, my son said to me,
"Mom, you’ll get cold."
And covering me with a blanket he said,
"Aren't you tired? Take a rest, and I'll do the dishes."
Seeing my 8th grade son washing the dishes, he looked so sweet and I felt so proud of him.
Because of my son, I could take a nap.
I thought I heard a loud noise in my sleep, but I didn't worry because the dishes were very sturdy.
I guess that was when it broke.
I explained the whole story to my husband and asked him for a favor.
"Please forget about this incident. How can I scold Nathan who was so sweet?"
Quietly, I hid the cup somewhere my son couldn't see.
Though he broke a cup, I truly wanted to protect his heart; considering his mother.
When I preach the gospel, I often make mistakes.
What would have happened if God scolded me,
"Don't ever try to preach again, I don't need you for God's work!", whenever I made mistake?
Just like our Heavenly Mother who considers and embraces even our small gifts and hearts, I truly want to be a child resembling Heavenly Mother, understanding my brothers' and sisters' small efforts and hearts; even to the deepest invisible parts
Friday, June 28, 2013
God the Mother is the best medicine
God the Mother is the best medicine
A few days ago, son lied to me but was sharply scolded when the truth got out. He started to lie at the age 12 because he got scared of his mom and dad since then. At his confess, my heart ached so much and I tried to hug and love him a lot, hoping to fix his bad habits.
One day, he wanted to sleep with me and dad because he felt scary being alone in his room. Then, my husband bellowed at me, blaming that I am raising him just like a baby.
“It’s going to be emotionally tough and scared at his age. We’d better cover his mistakes and keep him warm to ride out this situation.”
Finally, he agreed with me and since then, our couple has tried to have a conversation with him as much as possible before the bed time. As the day got colder, the room became warmer than the living room so we decided to sleep in the living room.
All of us could have a nice talk together every day, lying side by side on the floor. Listening to the new song, I embraced his face and asked him lying next to me.
From now on, let us stop bad behaviors like lie and continue to please Heavenly Father and God the Mother by loving all the more with mom and dad.”
This boy grown up so quickly enough to wear the same size of his dad answered, “Ok” and then threw himself into my arms. Being with him, God the Mother suddenly came into my mind.
Now I think I know why She came down to this earth and is grabbing each hand of every child to give Her unconditional love, without rejecting all pains and sorrows.
The best medicine to cure all disease of our sins should be very “You- God the Mother.”
Thursday, June 27, 2013
A Secret of the Bible, God Elohim - World Mission Society Church of God
A Secret of the Bible, God Elohim - World Mission Society Church of God
Hos6:3 Let us acknowledge the LORD(God); let us press on to acknowledge him,
(Jn16:3) Now this is eternal life:that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
The only true God is Elohim God. If we learn the Bible, we can realize about Elohim God, who God the Father and God the Mother.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Do you know Mother's Love? (Heavenly Mother)
Mother wants to give out everything
A child called her mother.
It doesn’t take even a second for her to answer her child.
Suddenly I thought...
How much would have she wanted to give away everything what her daughter wished or desired?
On the other hand, I felt so sorry for Heavenly Mother.
Though Heavenly Mother waits for us to call Her, since She knew well what we wished or needed, I didn’t.
Long time ago, I heard there was an aged mother who washed the feet of her grown-up son.
The son was well-known as a filial son.
You might consider the son to be unkind for making his aged mother to wash his feet, but he let her, because that was the most pleasurable joy for his mother.
Listening to all of Her children’s prayers, and most carefully taking care of Her children, without considering Her safety, Heavenly Mother always comes for Her children who calls Her.
Heavenly Mother calls that, “Her joy,” and just waits to give out thousands of blessings that She prepared for Her children.
This child, calls You, Mother.
This child, calls You, for the blessings to find all of the lost spiritual brothers and sisters.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Thank You - God the Mother
Thank You - God the Mother
I felt all the more keenly that there are so many things to thank for in life. One day, hearing my mom who has been suffering from a chronic disease fell with a thud, I hurried off to the hospital. Bleeding heavily with the rupture of a blood vessel, she was helplessly lying on the bed in the emergency room.
All the way to the hospital, I didn't know what to do at all but when I saw mom getting the IV injection, I could feel a little relieved. My sister who first found mom falling in the living room in the early morning rushed to the hospital seemed so haggard. I asked her to bring some toiletries and clothes from home and then I sat next to my mom. Looking at her sleeping face as white as a sheet, I couldn't stop shedding tears in vain. Since her heavy bleeding, she continued to receive transfusion while she was in hospital. Without blood for transfusions, she would have come across something wrong.
At that moment, some news contents I watched the other day suddenly occurred to me. The news was that in spite of falling blood supplies with the decreasing number of blood donors in this hot summertime, they thank The International We Love You Foundation for its hundreds of members took the head in the blood donation movement.
I truly give thanks to God for allowing me to realize the true love of Heavenly Mother and to have an opportunity to practice the love for others.
I felt all the more keenly that there are so many things to thank for in life. One day, hearing my mom who has been suffering from a chronic disease fell with a thud, I hurried off to the hospital. Bleeding heavily with the rupture of a blood vessel, she was helplessly lying on the bed in the emergency room.
All the way to the hospital, I didn't know what to do at all but when I saw mom getting the IV injection, I could feel a little relieved. My sister who first found mom falling in the living room in the early morning rushed to the hospital seemed so haggard. I asked her to bring some toiletries and clothes from home and then I sat next to my mom. Looking at her sleeping face as white as a sheet, I couldn't stop shedding tears in vain. Since her heavy bleeding, she continued to receive transfusion while she was in hospital. Without blood for transfusions, she would have come across something wrong.
At that moment, some news contents I watched the other day suddenly occurred to me. The news was that in spite of falling blood supplies with the decreasing number of blood donors in this hot summertime, they thank The International We Love You Foundation for its hundreds of members took the head in the blood donation movement.
I truly give thanks to God for allowing me to realize the true love of Heavenly Mother and to have an opportunity to practice the love for others.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
"Saturday:the Seventh day of the week"- world mission society church of God
"Saturday:the Seventh day of the week"- world mission society church of God
"He who belongs to God hears what God says."(Jn 8:47)
Just as Jesus and His disciples kept the Sabbath day [Saturday],
God's people should keep the Sabbath day [Saturday] which God appointed.

Forgetting at an instant
Forgetting at an instant
--this is an eassy--For a long time, my mom all alone raised us; four daughters.
Looking back at those years, I don’t know how she managed to raise us up all by herself.
I cannot even conceive the idea of raising four children all by myself, but I guess it was all possible for her because she was my mom.
Few years ago, my mom had a big surgery.
Though she had to rest, because of the wretched circumstances, she just had to work strenuously.
Though we all grew up and became adults, since we were busy, we didn’t know or forgot how strenuous it was for her.
When mom comes home from work, she starts doing the housework right away.
After ten, she comes to my room and talks about her daily routine.
She isn’t a talk-active person, but these days she frequently stops by and talks to me a lot.
I really wanted to be nice to her, but I was exhausted. So I tend to listen to her vacantly.
Seeing how I reacted, she would quickly end her conversation and leave my room.
When this happens, I feel sorry for her.
I always make a resolution that I wouldn’t repeat this mistake again, but it happens to me all the time.
One day, seeing her leaving my room, her shoulders seemed so small.
When I and my sisters were young, she didn’t have a moment to talk with us.
That is why we always went to her to talk with her.
Whenever we did, she never showed how tired she was.
She always listened to all what we have said, but I didn’t.
Few days ago, my mom said that she had pain in her arms and legs.
I just told her to “go to the hospital,” and when she repeatedly said that every day, I started to ignore.
When I started to think lying down my bed, it reminded me that my mom had a surgery for cancer.
I forgot that she wasn’t a healthy person at all.
I felt ashamed that I just told her to go to the hospital.
During break time in my working place, I started to search for good medicine and food for my mom.
Thinking that I simply just needed to turn on the computer and type some words, I felt so sorry.
The reason how I could grow up without any trouble was because of my mom’s sacrifice.
And I…
I always forgot about her when I turned my back, went to work, and while I was having a hard time.
At this moment, Heavenly Mother is also next to me, praying for me continuously every day, every second.
But I always forgot.
Just because of the world that I am living in, because I was busy, because I was exhausted…
I just forgot about Her.
About Heavenly Mother who came down to this earth, who is sacrificing for me.
I truly want to be a filial daughter for my mom and to my Heavenly Mother.
I want to be a filial daughter who gives joy, happiness, and smiles.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
The Mother and the Bee
The Mother and the Bee
One hot summer day, a little boy was playing on the backyard.Didn’t know why, but a huge bee was buzzing furiously on top of his head.
The more the child tried to hide from it, the bee flew over him more.
His fear went to extreme, so he went to his mother’s arms and cried.
Seeing her child with fear, the mother quickly covered his body with her skirt, and covered his face with her hands.
Then the bee stung the mother’s arm instead of the child’s, and the poisonous sting was stuck in her arm, so deep enough that it couldn’t be removed.
Afterwards, the bee couldn’t fly further away and was crawling on the mother’s arm.
Bearing the pain, the mother said,
“My dear, don’t fear and come out. I have placed myself instead of you. Since the bee hurt me, it can’t hurt you no more.”
Source from: ‘Resting Place Volume 2’ PSC
Through the Mother, I can realize about the Love of God the Mother.
Thanks to heavenly Mother ♥
Friday, June 21, 2013
The Acrylic Board and the Cutting Mat
The Acrylic Board and the Cutting Mat
Preparing for the Last Day of the Feast of Tabernacles, we all divided into teams to create invitations to be handed out to all families, acquaintances, and neighbors, for them to receive the water of life given freely by Heavenly Mother.
Seeing brothers and sisters cutting papers on top of an acrylic board and a cutting mat, the Overseer asked us a question.
"What's the difference between this acrylic board and the cutting mat?"
We all simply answered that the material, the name, or the size, is different.
Then he said,
"Look at them carefully. They have been numerously cut with knives. One of them seems to be damaged that we can even see with our own eyes, but you can't see any damages on the other. Don't you think they resemble our hearts and our Mother's?"
Though She has been hurt from numerous thorns of sins, Mother would never show how hurt She was...
She just bears and endures silently.
Even hearing small advises from our brothers and sisters we would show how hurt we are.
Our hearts are all full with faults.
That doesn't mean that the cutting mat is undamaged.
If you look at it closely, there are small and deep cuts made to it.
But outwardly, it seems to be clean and undamaged.
I only considered my pain, just wanted to be served, and didn't want to have a broad mind for my brothers and sisters.
Repenting for what I've committed, I made a resolution that I would be a child who bears and endures; resembling Heavenly Mother.
Considering the teachings for my salvation as a burden, I always complained, blamed, didn't realize brothers' and sisters' consideration, and envied.
Didn't endure nor gave thanks and just showed off my hardships just like the acrylic board.
With all of these, I scraped my Mother's heart.
Despite of all what I have done, She still bears and embraces, the children all covered with thorns.
I now want to be a child who resembles you.
The path of pain and sacrifice that you have walked, I also want to consider it to be the path that I must walk, and follow you with thanks.
With an arrogant mind, I would have never received the blessings of the Holy Spirit.
That is why Mother gave me a realization through this small routine.
I give earnest thanks to Heavenly Mother for allowing me this realization.
I want to be a child with a broad mind who can cover up even the faults of our brothers and sisters.
I love You Mother. ♥
Thursday, June 20, 2013
WMSCOG has the Root of David.
The World Mission Society Church of God has the Root of David.
There are so many people in the world that want to know the truth in the Bible but don't know how or what to follow., There are approximately 850 different denominations of Chrisitianity that all differ in opinion on how to follow the Bible, God’s word. Out of all the Churches, how do we know what is true? God knows the end from the beginning, “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.
I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’” Isaiah 46:10.
The reason why so many people feel hopeless in this world when it comes to following the true God that is in the Bible is because God already showed in the book of Daniel which was written in 605 BC that the Bible would be sealed until the time of the end. Daniel 12:4, “But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.”
Also in Daniel 12:9, “He replied, “Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end. What is the scroll referring to in the Bible?
According to Luke 4:16-17, “He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. He stood up to read, and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written:” According to this verse the scroll was Isaiah. At that time only the Old Testament existed! This proves that the scroll in the Bible is referring to the Bible. Then we can see that the Bible is not physically sealed. However, does anybody out there really understand and know what God is telling us through all the parables in the scripture? It has been spiritually sealed until the time of the end according to Daniel.
In Amos 8:11 it says, ““The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign LORD, “when I will send a famine through the land? not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD.” In the Last days who can only unseal the Bible?
But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll or even look inside it. I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside. Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.” The only one that can open the scroll/Bible is the Root of David! No angel, no human on this earth, not even Satan from under the earth can un unseal the Bible. Then, the Root of David has to be God Almighty!
According to Revelation 22:16, ““I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”
Jesus Christ is the Root of David. According to the prophecy its not until the time of the end that it will be unsealed then clearly this cannot be talking about 1st coming christ! This is speaking of Second Coming Christ! But, how do we know who is the true Second Coming Christ? There has to be a sign?
Isaiah 55:3,”Give ear and come to me; listen, that you may live. I will make an everlasting covenant with you, my faithful love promised to David.”
The Root of David is the Second Coming Christ who has to have the everlasting covenant with him! What is the everlasting covenant?
Hebrews 13:20, “Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep,” The everlasting/eternal covenant is made through blood. But, what does this mean?
Matthew 26:26-28, “ While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. ” But only on which night did Jesus Christ promise that the bread was his body and the wine was his blood?
Matthew 26:17-19, “On the first day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Where do you want us to make preparations for you to eat the Passover?” He replied, “Go into the city to a certain man and tell him, ‘The Teacher says: My appointed time is near. I am going to celebrate the Passover with my disciples at your house.’” So the disciples did as Jesus had directed them and prepared the Passover.”
It was only on the Passover night that Jesus promised us his flesh and blood through the Passover Feast! Why did Jesus Christ want us to keep the Passover?
John 6:53-54, “Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.”
Jesus Christ wanted to give us eternal life through the Passover! According to prophecy Second Coming Christ will come to bring salvation because Passover was abolished in 325AD. Who can go to heaven without the Passover? Nobody!
Hebrews 9:28, “so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.”
Christ Ahnsahnghong is the only one who came and preached the Passover in 1948. He is the one who brought back the feast of the Passover! Only the Root of David Second Coming Christ can bring back the Passover and unseal the Bible! Christ Ahnsahnghong is Second Coming Christ, God Almighty and the Root of David!
Revelation 5:1-5, “Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals. And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?”
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Solely for Her Children - This is an essay
Solely for Her Children
In my childhood, I surely was a troublemaker who was considered as ten naughty children.
Every day I tripped, fell, and broke things around me that I shouldn't have.
I was full of curiosity and couldn't just stand without knowing the things that really wanted to know.
My mom always worried that I might hurt myself badly.
She even worried that I might become crooked, so she really took good care of me.
Growing up well under the shade of my “mom,” I was badly caught in the net of “puberty.”
I heard puberty doesn't last longer than one or two years, but didn't know why mine lasted for four years.
My mom tried to persuade me and did her very best.
The more that she tried to take care of me, the more that I tried to be crooked.
But my long roaming years eventually ended by my mom’s love.
After many years had passed by I asked her,
“Mom, how did you feel when I was roaming and wanted to be crooked?”
“It was my first time I wanted to die!”
I was really surprised.
A strong mom like her wanted to die because of her child?
I somewhat felt what parents’ love towards their children was like.
Mom still worries that I might be crooked again.
If I committed the same mistake and gave her a hard time, I surely would be a bad daughter.
I would never want to do anything that would give my mom a hard time.
Still now, Heavenly Mother is hurt by her thousands and more than ten thousands of children every day.
Despite of all that, She never hates us and prays for us worrying that we might be caught by Satan’s evil schemes.
Heavenly Mother truly solely lives for children.
I would never forget Heavenly Mother’s love and proclaim that love to the whole world.
I truly want to solely live for our Heavenly Mother.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
A meal
A meal
“…the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” (Isa 53: 5)
When I was having lunch after reading this verse recently, a thought flitted through my mind.
“Do I, as a mere sinner deserve to have this wonderful meal?”
On the table, there were boiled rice, some various side dishes and even delicious stew. What about Father Ahnsahnghong? He would never have had even a chance to eat one single bowl of warm rice in this world. Thinking of Heavenly Father who would have preached in the mountain, alleviating His hunger with hardtack and streams, my eyes suddenly ached with tears.
Then I realized that just as Father was whipped for me, such a prodigal sinner, all hunger and raggedness were suffered by Him as well.
Even though I always eat square three meals a day, I have never thought about where this peace and comfort we are enjoying right now might come from. Without the sacrifice and love of God the Father, and God the Mother. We never exist right now.
Our Father Ahnsahngong! I am sorry but give thanks to You. Even though You always starved, You used to give something to Your children. Father always loves me with sincerity, even though I continue to commit a sin against Him.
Now, as Father asked us to do, I would like to become children of God, who follows God the Mother until the end wherever She goes. I intensely miss Father.
I hope we could be with Father and Mother soon.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Christ Ahnsahnghong Brought the Gospel Truth
Christ Ahnsahnghong Brought the Gospel Truth
Everywhere you will hear people calling the World Mission Society Church of God a cult…and I find it so odd. The Church of God is the only known church today that keeps the words of the Scriptures as Christ taught them.
Many people in this world sit around Christmas trees and kiss under missle toes believing it has some special meaning, yet they refuse to see its history…
however not one of these can be seen in the Bible, nor is there any truth behind the celebration. Each of these was created by a man who did not believe in the Bible, nor in God.
How can they believe then, if they do not even hear the message Christ spoke, as it is written (Rom 10:14).
But those who bring the good news are beautiful in God’s sight (Rom 10:15), and they can only bring it if they have heard and believe in it. believe in it. So… true faith comes from hearing the message of good news (Rom 10:17), the message of God.
Today, however there is only one church in this world proclaiming the Good News of Christ and that is the World Mission Society Church of God that believes in the 2nd Coming of Christ Ahnsahnghong and Jerusalem Mother.
The teachings they follow contain the Good News of salvation (Matt 4:23) that Christ preached 2000 years ago, and that Apostle Paul proclaimed as the Gospel (1 Cor 15:2). This is the good news, gospel and truth that bring eternal life to those who believe. It is by this gospel that we become members of one body in Christ Ahnsahnghong and Mother Jerusalem (Eph 3:5-6) and are saved.
So, even though many people believe they become ”one with God” through Christmas, Easter and other such celebrations…Christ had it in mind to make his people one body in him through another way..the gospel. We all see though, that it is by the Passover that we are made one in Christ (John 6:53-59). This was His gospel truth and it was never up to men to change around.
Keeping Passover makes us one with Christ and it is the original teaching and Truth which Jesus brought to save (John 8:31).After Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven however, it was prophesied that Christ Ahnsahnghong would have to come again and teach this truth (Heb 9:28).
Up until his coming, the world had been left to pagan traditions (Gal 1:6-9), but when the World Mission Society Church of God was established, it became and has remained the only church keeping the Passover exactly as Christ kept it.
Christ Said: (John 8:51): I tell you the truth, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death. So, the truth he spoke are the words that lead to life and these words are the Passover Gospel that saves (1 Cor 15:2).
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Love is “Waiting”(2)
Love is “Waiting”(2)
“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! (Isa 49:15)”
Like how it says, Heavenly Mother willingly came with lowly clothes of a sinner.

Heavenly Parents' love is so deep that they would never give up though the children are slow to realize. Their children found in the long time of waiting, for 6,000 years.
They would always cover the children's sins, always give teachings full of love, guide them to the best ways, and always praise them even for their small efforts.
Though They would never have a day without worry or concern towards Their children, They would earnestly pray for them all night long, always firmly believing that their immature children would realize.
Through all this, they would forget Their safety.
Thinking about the heart of my Heavenly Parents, I look back, if I was truly a good daughter.
Though Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother is pleased seeing Their children uniting with each other, rather embracing my brothers and sisters with love, didn't I push them away from me just because they were different from me?
Though Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother always waiting and endured, rather waiting for my brothers and sisters to realize, didn't I just gave up on them?
Thinking about my past, I can't lift up my head being so sorry and embarrassed to my Heavenly Parents.
Though I said I knew Their hearts, those were the days which I never really tried to put Their words into actions.
I truly thank Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for loving me, and waiting for a long time for this weak child to realize.
Love is “Waiting” (1)
Love is “Waiting”(1)
When I was in elementary school, I always tried to memorize the multiplication tables after supper.
Day by day, I would go and on memorizing after school.
Finally, it was the day when I succeeded.
My parents were full of smiles, and I was really proud of myself.
Since I was a slow learner, being anxious, I would always complain to my parents.
My parents would then just smile and pat my shoulders.
Looking at my exam papers full of red marks just like a red shower, they would have been more anxious than me thinking, "What if my child is way behind others?"
But they would never push me to study, but waited until I did well by myself.
Thinking of how my parents in my childhood, I believe my parents' life was an “endless waiting.”
When I was in my mother's womb, they waited for me to be born for a time of 10 months.
Even when I first started to walk, when I first started to talk, they waited.
I would cry day and night and would have annoyed them, not wanting to be apart from them for even a moment.
Though I got sick frequently making them always feel anxious, all that they remembered about me was a cute little baby toddling and saying "mommy or daddy."
Though I was slow and lacking compared to other children, they would think it's their entire fault and felt sorry.
They would always take care of me as an apple of their eyes, fed me the best food, and always prayed for me to grow well.
Parents call this kind of love, "the elders' love for the young," or "parental love."
The source of this love comes from the continuous time of waiting, and from the infinite belief towards their child.
Our Heavenly Parents, who came down to this earth to find Their lost children...
Our Heavenly Parents' love is much more than that.
From now on, I will love my brothers and sisters, even the parts they are lacking, understand, help them, and walk the way of the gospel work which God is pleased with.
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