Monday, August 26, 2013

[Overseas news / Malaysia] World Mission Society Church of God visited and shared warmth in Ampang Old Folk's Home

[Overseas news / Malaysia] World Mission Society Church of God visited and shared warmth in Ampang Old Folk's Home
Date : May 31, 2013

Press : Shinjoo Daily

(30th of May in Ampang) Malaysia News - World Mission Society Church of God visited and shared warmth with the elders in Ampang Old Folk's Home, through singing and dancing.

The church members sung golden oldies, performed a vignette, and played musical games.
They also took care of the elders by kindly serving them with homemade bread, nutritious drinks, and korean sweet red-bean porridges.
Being fascinated by their performance, the elders couldn't lose their bright smiles.
Secretary of the welfare committee in Ampang Chia Soon Seong said, "I am so happy that the members of the Church of God visited us. I truly give thanks to them for holding a performance for the elders."
She also said, "I could see the elders smiling, which is a rare sight these days."

[Photo] The church members and the elders after the performance


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

[Overseas news / Malaysia] Church of God in Kuala Lumpur visited the Ampang Old Folk's Home

[Overseas news / Malaysia] Church of God in Kuala Lumpur visited the Ampang Old Folk's Home

Date : May 31, 2013
Press : Namyang Newspaper

Delivering happiness with a performance for fifty elders
(30th of May, Ampang) Church of God located in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, delivered happiness for 50 elders through a special event, in their visit in Ampang Old Folk's Home.
The members of the World Mission Society Church of God (General Paster Joo-Cheol Kim) visited the old folk's home and warmed up the people around them, holding a feast for the elders.
Performing marial arts; Kung-fu, Hapkido, and a vignette(finding the true parents with a small bag), the Church of God members got rid of boredom and monotonous contents that the elders had living in the old folk's home, and also enhanced their pleasure with nutritious drinks, korean sweet red-bean porridges, and homemade bread.
Secretary of the welfare committee in Ampang Chia Soon Seong said, the elders had a great time with the performance and wished the members of the Church of God to revisit.
“The elders didn’t even bother going to the restroom. They were mesmerized by the Kung-fu, vignette, and singing.”
One of the members of the Church of God Chia Ling Ling said, “It was a great opportunity sharing happiness with the elders.”
Learn the wisdom of life through the elders
She also said, “Since we can learn the wisdom of life through the elders, they deserve to be respected.”
The Church of God was founded by Ahnsahnghong in 1964, and including the present church in Malaysia, there are currently 2,200 churches around 170 countries.
Not only the Church of God does missionary works, but it also hosts many environmental cleanup activities, blood drives, and visits old folk’s homes and orphanages, all based on God’s love.

(above on the left) Waiting for the performance, the elders are watching a promo video of the Church of God.
(above on the right) The members of the Church of God are singing ten golden oldies, performing their dance routines that they have prepared, continuously for a long time.

(below) The Church of God members and the Ampang Old Folk’s home residents.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

[Mexico] Cleaned up the streets of Atlixco in preparation for the Passover

[Mexico] Cleaned up the streets of Atlixco in preparation for the Passover

On April 28, more than 250 members of the World Mission Society Church of God gathered in the streets with brooms in their hands to carry out a “Clean-up Campaign” for the Passover 2013. Starting from Zócalo Public Square, they cleaned up Avenue Indpendencia, Avenue M. Avila Camachoy and the district of Chapulapa. They collected 1.5 tons of trash through this campaign.

“Thank you for cooperating and supporting the City of Atlixco for last 3 years. If all people participate in clean-up campaigns like things you do, all problems which occur due to wastes will reduced,” said Carlos Gamez, Chief Manager of the Department of Environmental Affairs of Atlixco as a representative of the City.

Jose Cruz, Secretary of the Department of Environmental Affairs, expressed his gratitude, saying “I express my thanks to you on behalf Mayor. Public policies cannot be successful without citizen participation. You played an important role in protecting and preserving the environment.”

This activity became a good opportunity to increase environmental awareness of the citizens who marveled at the parade of the Church members who happily cleaned up the streets.

The clean-up campaign was held simultaneously by the members of the World Mission Society Church of God in 150 countries where 2,200 churches are located around the world. The campaign was prepared as one of the events to commemorate the grace and sacrifice of God the Father and God the Mother who came as the Spirit and the Bride to save mankind in this age (Revelation 22:17.)

The World Mission Society Church of God believes in God the Mother as well as God the Father by following the words of the prophecies of the Bible, and has been conducting various community services such as blood drives and natural disaster recovery activities. The Church of God practices the teachings of Heavenly Mother and shares “Love your neighbor” not only with words but with deeds, which brings warmth to people’s mind. It is the third clean-up campaign conducted by the World Mission Society Church of God in Atlixco.

Friday, August 16, 2013

God The Mother, The Heavenly Jerusalem, Completes The Family

God The Mother, The Heavenly Jerusalem, Completes The Family

God said that They created the physical things to teach us about the physical things, basically (Rom. 1:19-20). So if we understand the systems of this earth we can understand the systems of heaven (Heb. 8:5). When you read Heb. 8:5, please don’t think because it’s talking about the system of the sanctuary in that verse that the same teaching doesn’t apply to other system. For instance, the Judicial system is clearly seen in the Bible though the Bible does not say specifically that the earthly justice system exist as well as a heavenly one:
Christ speaks in our defense (Christ is our counselor, lawyer 1 John 2:1); it’s in our defense, so we are the defendant; Satan is always the accuser; and of course, God is the Judge. Yet the Bible doesn’t say plainly there’s a court system in heaven also.
Likewise, although God didn’t say plainly there’s a heavenly family system as there is an earthly one. It’s understood that it exist by even the way Jesus told us to pray:

Matt. 6:9 “This, then, is how you should pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,”

Why did Jesus specifically teach us to call God Father? The word Father automatically implies the existence of a family, because only a man with children can be called a father. (Heb. 12:9) Then also, the children of God must exist.

Matt. 12:50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”

The spiritual brothers and sisters can be distinguished by if they do God’s will, but they do exist. Yet in a family, the man cannot be called father unless he has children, and children cannot exist unless who gives birth to them? Then the mom is the true glue of the family and the reason either title exist. The earthly shadow exist because the heavenly reality  exist – so if there exist mothers on this earth as a shadow, shouldn’t there exist in reality the heavenly Mother?

Church of God World Mission Society has been proclaiming the existence of God the Mother because according to the prophecy the 2nd Coming Christ, Christ Ahn Sahng Hong, has shown us the true source of eternal life. That’s why when Father came the first time as Jesus, He always waited until the last days to raise us up (give us life). Funny how God uses the word ‘raise us up in the last days’ when it’s the mom who ‘raises’ the children in a family. Okay, that was a side note, lol. Anyway, God the Mother exists according to the Bible, even Apostle Paul testified about Her:

Gal. 4:26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.

As the Bible says God is Our Father, so it also testifies She is Our Mother regarding the Heavenly Jerusalem. It is because She is here the Bible makes sense now.

26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Ahnsahnghong World Mission Society Church of God Jerusalem Mother - Children of the Free Woman

Ahnsahnghong World Mission Society Church of God Jerusalem Mother - Children of the Free Woman 

World Mission Society Church of God only follows the teachings of the Bible and believes in the Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong and Jerusalem Mother.
World Mission Society Church of God believes in Heavenly Mother.
World Mission Society Church of God only follows the teachings of the Bible and believes in the Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother.

Only Mother can leads us to the kingdom of heaven.

World Mission Society Church of God only follows the teachings of the Bible and believes in the Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong and Jerusalem Mother.
In the Bible, God is referred to through plural terms instead of singular terms, and it is written that God has a male image and a female image. Therefore, God exists in the male image and in the female image.
Have you ever thought about why we call God our Father?
It is written that God's invisible qualities have been clearly seen and can be understood through what has been made (Rom. 1:20). Is there any creature that is given life through only their father, alone, without a mother being present?
We need to study this matter carefully. 

Children of the Free Woman
Apostle Paul testified that we are the children of promise, the children of the free woman, because we have been given the promise of eternal life from our heavenly Mother.

  Gal. 4:28 『Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise.』

  Gal. 4:31 『Therefore, brothers, we are not children of the slave woman, but 
  of the free woman.』

If we are the children of the free woman, what should we call Her? We should call Her our “Mother.” We cannot have eternal life unless we receive the heavenly Mother. Eternal life, which God has promised us, is given through the heavenly Mother.
In this last age, we need our Jerusalem Mother who has been established by Christ Ahnsahnghong?the Second Coming Jesus. Let us believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong, the Holy Spirit, and in Jerusalem Mother, the Bride, so that we can receive eternal life.
World Mission Society Church of God believes in Heavenly Mother.
World Mission Society Church of God only follows the teachings of the Bible and believes in the Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother.
Only Mother can leads us to the kingdom of heaven.

Monday, August 12, 2013

The Spirit and the Bride Say, Come!

The Spirit and the Bride Say, Come! -WMSCOG

Throughout the Bible we can see the comparison of water of life to eternal life. For example, in the age of the Father, the Old Testament, we see God the Father/Jehovah to be the source of water of life.

Jeremiah 2:13 “My people have committed two sins: They have fo
Then we see, 2,000 years ago, in the age of the Son, Jesus Christ was the source of living water.
rsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.”

John 4:13 “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

However, in the last days, we see, in the age of the Holy Spirit, that it is the Spirit and the Bride who are giving the water of life.

Revelation 22:17 “The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.”

In these last days, it is the Spirit – Christ AhnSahngHong & the Bride – Heavenly Mother Jerusalem who are saying come. Without them saying come we would not be able to go to Them. However, in order to go to Them, we must know who They are.

Please continue to read to know more so that you too may come to Them.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

God we have been waiting for — Christ Ahnsahnghong

God we have been waiting for — Christ Ahnsahnghong

For everyone, the parents’ blood flows in him. We received life by inheriting the blood of parents. It’s the principle: the Providence of God who saves mankind.

The way to inherit the blood of God dates back to the night of the fourteenth day of the first month in the sacred calendar, 2000 years ago. Jesus, who was God but came in the flesh, directed the disciples to prepare the Passover and kept it together with them. He left a will on the night before He was crucified on the cross and sacrificed Himself on behalf of sinners in order to wash away the sins committed in heaven.

And he [Jesus] said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. (Luke 22:15)

Jesus made a will by eating “something.” That was the Passover bread and wine. Jesus said that the Passover bread becomes His flesh and the Passover wine becomes His blood. He executed what he said earlier: “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life.”

God promised that those who keep the Passover will be protected from disasters and also have the forgiveness of sins.  In the time of the Old Testament, the Israelites celebrated the Passover by putting the blood of the lambs on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they ate the lambs. Now we just need to eat and drink the bread and wine which stands for the flesh and blood of Jesus to keep this feast.

Regrettably, people broke the promise. Moreover, they even reneged on their pledge with God — through the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD.  Since then, no one could have inherited the flesh and blood of God.  The Passover was totally forgotten from people’s minds for over one thousand years. This is why God should come again.

On this mountain the LORD Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine–the best of meats and the finest of wines….  In that day they will say, “Surely this is our God; we trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the LORD, we trusted in him; let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation.” (Isaiah 25:6-9)

“The aged wine” means that the wine has not been used for a long time. That is, the Passover had not been celebrated for a long time — for more than 1,600 years. While no one even imagined that we must keep the Passover to become the children of God, it was Christ Ahnsahnghong who taught us the Passover.

Unfortunately, over 1,600 years, people had a wrong recognition that it is heretic to celebrate the Passover. Yet, the truth does not change: we must keep the Passover to have eternal life.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Spiritual king Cyrus,"Christ Ahnsahnghong"

Spiritual king Cyrus,"Christ Ahnsahnghong" Over 150 years before Cyrus was born, God had designated Cyrus, the king of a gentile country in the east, as His anointed, that is, the Messiah. This means that the prophecy about King Cyrus contains the prophecy that will be fulfilled by Christ who comes as the Messiah.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

HEREsy in the Bible!! Christ Ahnsahnghong

HEREsy in the Bible!! Christ Ahnsahnghong
Whoever wants to be saved should not be led by the HERESY! U are to be led by the TRUTH! This is why U are to receive Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother in World Mission Society Church of God. Only Elohim God can teach us the TRUTH for salvation!!!

[This] ?? thru the Bride = God the Mother

[This] ?? thru the Bride = God the Mother For [This], Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother have come in the flesh into this earth, leaving the glorious heavenly kingdom! And, Christ Ahnsahnghong established World Mission Society Church of God to gather us and to allow [This]!!!!!!!! In this last age, whoever does not possess [This] cannot enter the eternal heavenly kingdom. Then, what's [This]? Are U possessing [This]? Come to the World Mission Society Church of God, and receive [This] from Elohim God, Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

As you know, God alone has eternal life.- WMSCOG by Christ Ahnsahnghong

As you know, God alone has eternal life.

God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone is immortal (1 Timothy 6:15-16)

Therefore, only God can give us eternal life. The promise of eternal life God gave us is contained in the Passover.

Jesus said to them, “I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man [Jesus] and drink his [Jesus'] blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink…” (John 6:53-55)

Jesus promised that the bread of was His flesh and that the wine of the Passover was His blood.

So the disciples did as Jesus had directed them and prepared the Passover…. While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this [the Passover bread] is my body.” Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This [The Passover wine] is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. (Matthew 26:19-28)

Those who observe the Passover are surely supposed to receive the blessing of eternal life according to the words of Jesus: “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life.” On the contrary, since Jesus said: “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you,” those who do not keep the Passover cannot receive eternal life. The World Mission Society Church of God believes in the promise of eternal life Jesus promised us and celebrates the Passover of the New Covenant as a precious truth.

In these days, only Christ Ahnsahnghong brought the Passover. and revealed the most precious treasure, that is, God the Mother in the flesh!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

U, Heavenly Citizens?!?!?! God the Mother

U, Heavenly Citizens?!?!?! God the Mother Ever heard about Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother????? World Mission Society Church of God is preaching that Elohim God, Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother, are Heavenly Parents! That is, Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother have already come in the flesh to save and to seek us, heavenly sinners, even though we do not remember such fact! We were heavenly angels in glorious heavenly kingdom. Of course, we can return to there in Elohim God. Are U missing eternal heavenly home, where U had lived with Elohim God???????

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Courage to Face the Truth - WMSCOG

The Courage to Face the Truth-WMSCOG

Why do they deny and reject God the Mother whom the Bible teaches? Some would not acknowledge the truth even though the existence of God the Mother is proven from the Bible. Also, there are people who say that they just do not want to talk anymore because they have never heard such teachings while attending the church for several decades. The truth of God the Mother might sound very strange. So they sometimes say, “It’s a new view” or “it’s a new theory” since it’s very different from what they have known so far.

However, nobody boasts of ignorance. We need to listen to the words of the Bible with a humble mind if we have never been taught, don’t we? The truth of the Scriptures about God the Mother is “not” new. It’s recorded in the book of Genesis and also appears in the New Testament. It’s a precious truth which has been shared in the history of the Bible.

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness… So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:26-27)

But the Jerusalem that is above [the heavenly Jerusalem: GNT] is free, and she is our mother. (Galatians 4:26)

God the Mother, witnessed in the Bible, was the truth that was also present in the time of the Early Church. But the church became secularized in around the 4th century when it was united with the political power of the Roman Empire. During secularization, the church accepted pagan rituals and ideas which were rampant throughout the Empire.  Non-biblical doctrines appeared and, weirdly enough, Mary, who was just the physical mother of Jesus, took the place of God the Mother. Of course, the doctrine of virgin Mary was affected by pagan religion called the worship of “mother and son.”

God the Mother whom the Bible testifies about is the Savior and the Creator, while Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a mere creature like us.  Jesus also warned us not to regard His physical family members as someone godlike:

As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you [Jesus] birth and nursed you.” He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” (Luke 11:27-28)

The Roman Catholic Church distorted the truth of God the Mother and instead put up a false doctrine to believe in the false mother by calling a mere woman Mary “the Holy Mother.” Since then, the Catholic Church had exercised absolute power for more than one thousand years and no one had argued about its doctrines. But the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church reached its height during the late Middle Ages and at last its secular power collapsed when the Reformers appeared to obtain religious freedom and to restore the truth which had disappeared. They were the founders of Protestantism.

The Protestant churches declared that they were different from the Catholic Church. But their doctrines such as the Apostles’ Creed, Sunday service and Christmas were directly adopted from the non-biblical doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church.  In other words, their Reformation was incomplete because their restoration was imperfect and only partial amendments were made. Obviously, it it not biblical to “divinize” and rely on Mary for salvation. However, we should not only deny and reject it, but also restore the true truth of God the Mother.  The Protestant churches denied the truth of God the Mother itself.

The Scriptures clearly testify about God the Mother and it is written in Galatians 4:26. However, both Protestant and Catholic churches deny the truth about God the Mother. The former is the one that changed the truth, and the latter that seemingly understands the falsehood of Mary but insists that there is no God the Mother.  When we face the truth, we need the courage to make a decision.

For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.’ (Matthew 13:15)

When the Jews faced the truth that Jesus was the Savior and God, they became so stubborn and insisted that it’s not true. Pilate, who was a judge, feared the Jews rather than the truth and played a role in Jesus’ death by turning Him over to be executed. Now, how would both the Jews and Pilate regret their choice?

You are facing the truth. Today, Christians turn their faces away from the truth of the Bible and act as if they were the Jews of 2000 years ago with a fixed idea that there is only one God — God the Father.  And some are hesitating to accept the truth although they see it. How about you? Will you persist that what you know is absolutely correct? Or, will you ignore the truth as if you did not know it? Or, will you be reluctant to make a decision because you think it’s difficult to suddenly change your belief?

There is God the Mother. We should receive God the Mother to get salvation. God still gives you an opportunity to become one of the prophets who can join and proclaim this truth.  Don’t be stubborn and don’t be reluctant. The blessings and the privileges to face the truth are given to those who make a brave decision.

[Essay]Only Bright Smile Must Appear on Mother’s Face

Only Bright Smile Must Appear on Mother’s Face

When the mother and the child were passing by a candy shop, the child started pestering,

“Mummy, I want candy. Candy!!”

“No. Since mommy’s got no money, I’ll get you next time.”

“Candy!! Candy!!”

Without concerning her words, the child kept on insisting.

The mother’s face hardened.

Once the child pestered, she wouldn’t stop.

“Mommy said, I got no money! Stop pestering!”


The child sadly cried after getting a spank on her butt. 

Sensing her mother, the child stopped crying.

Though the child stopped crying, the mother started to cry..

“Mummy. Don’t cry…”

The child wiped the mother’s tears with her hands and cuddled in her mother’s arms.

After few days, the mother and the child passed by a toy shop.

Feeling sorry for the last time, the mother asked the child.

“Have anything you want me to buy for you?”

“No Mummy. After you’ve got a lot of money you can buy me one!”

Considering the child’s age, she should have behaved like a child.

But the child already became mature, which made the mother feel bad.

After that very day, the child never asked her mother to buy something for her. 

Not even once…

Though I can barely remember that incident, my mother always wipes her tears whenever she tells me about that day.

During hard times, I can imagine how heartbroken she must have been not being able to buy even a candy or a small toy for me.

Though ten years have passed, she must have regretted so much because she moves into tears whenever she talks about that day.

The painful memory engraved in my mother’s heart makes my heart feel bitter.

“Mother, don’t cry no more.

I am a happy person who grew up with your love, and that love retains in my heart.

I earnestly hope that only bright smile can appear on your face.” 

Through the Mother, i can feel Heavenly Mother's heart too.
I am a happy soul who grew up with heavenly Mother, your love, and that love retains in my heart.
Thanks to Heavenly Mother, your love.